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On June 12, 2023, Father Ngoa Ya Tshihemba, 11th Superior General of the Augustinians of the Assumption (also called Assumptionists) was elected. This Congolese religious (DR Congo), 52, succeeds Father Benoît Grière, of French origin, who has just completed two six-year terms at the head of this Congregation.

The Assumptionists now have 915 religious and 45 novices spread over 128 communities in 33 countries on all continents. Father Ngoa Ya Tshihemba was born on 16 October 1970 in Mbau (North Kivu) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Born into a farming family, he is the oldest of 8 children and attends primary and secondary school in Mbau.

He made his postulate in the Kambali college and his novitiate (1995-1996) in Charles Lwanga house of Butembo (Nord-Kivu). He made his first vows on 28 August 1996.

After the novitiate, he was appointed in Kinshasa (1996-2001) where he obtained a degree in philosophy.

From 2003 to 2007 he studied theology at the Institute of Inter-congregational Theological Formation of Mexico (IFTIM), where he obtained the canonical baccalaureate in theology.

He was ordained a priest in Butembo (North Kivu) on 24 January 2008. He returned to Mexico for four years of studies in pedagogy (2009-2013) and obtained a degree in pedagogy. He began as a formator and replaced the parish priest of the Empress of America for a year.

In 2013, he was appointed in Manila (Philippines), where to date he was master of novices, responsible for formation in the Philippines and superior of a formation house.

Polyglot (in addition to Kinande, his mother tongue, speaks Swahili, Lingala, French, Spanish and English), he knows Africa, North America and Asia well. He likes to read and listen to music and walk through nature.

P. Thierry Kambale Kahongya, a.a.

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It is almost a year since we started the Dufault house project, I still remember June 2022 when we used to come to pack books, repair and paint walls with the illusion of seeing a house ready to receive new young people with vocational interest. The maintenance and remodeling work continues, it seems like a "never-ending story". However, in August 2022 it was time to open the doors to begin the formation process with new candidates.

Roberto, who was to be the first formator of the new young men, moved a few weeks before the official opening to continue overseeing the remodeling work. A few days later I was given the news that I was assigned to live in the Dufault house. On August 12, I transferred, and on that same day the candidates arrived.

Finally, the opening of the house and the beginning of the formation process became official with the Eucharistic celebration presided by Father Miguel Diaz, who was visiting our region of Mexico. During the homily, Fr. Miguel mentioned some characteristics of Fr. Willfrid Dufault inviting us to study more his life and follow his example in fraternal life.

The chapel was not yet ready, the candles had just been lit and the vases improvised, but the most important thing was to give thanks to God because we were beginning a work that is a sign of hope for the Assumption in Mexico.

As we commonly say: time flew by; and December arrived, the time for vacations and the beginning of new processes. The small Casa Dufault came to life and is maintained with dynamism among our activities, the apostolate in the parishes of St. Andrew Totoltepec and the Emperatriz de América, the studies of the aspirants in the house, as well as the INTER (Interreligious Institute of Formation).

Subsequently, in February 2023 there were some changes for our region with new pastors, new formators and with that, a new formator in Casa Dufault: Father Sébastien Bangandu. Up to date, we continue with enthusiasm to working for Assumptionist vocations in Mexico and to consolidate a community at the service of the Kingdom.

I like the idea that more than two confreres are involved in making possible the reopening of a formation house. It is an effort that is not done alone, but together, as a community.

While meditating on this event, the question that Fr. d'Alzon asks in the Directory came to my mind: Is Jesus Christ my everything for me? This question helps me to keep in mind our objective: to serve in the formation and maintenance of the house, but, above all, to strive for the growth of the Kingdom of God in us and around us.

Brother Rafael Huerta Ramos, a.a.

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On Friday, March 31, 2023, the parish of Santiago Apóstol Tlilapan, Veracruz, welcomed its new pastor: Father Louis Kivuya Muke a.a., originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Several parishioners from the different communities that make up the parish gathered for this event.

Some priests from nearby parishes were present, and Father Louis was also accompanied by the Assumptionist Fathers and Brothers from the various communities. Representing the Provincial Superior, Father Peter Precourt a.a. was present, as well as the Regional Superior, Father Flavio Bustos Castillo, a.a.

The celebration was presided over by Monsignor Eduardo Cervantes Merino, Bishop of the Diocese of Orizaba. As part of the rite of taking possession of a parish, Father Juan Carlos Villa, Chancellor Secretary, read the appointment.

During the homily, Monsignor Eduardo emphasized the function of the pastor: ” The mission of the pastors is to look for all the means so that the word of God is announced; the mission of the pastor is to center the word and to make that the word is sown in the community and in the groups of apostolate”.

He exhorted Father Louis to favor the encounter with Christ through the joyful proclamation of the Gospel. He then emphasized three essential points, the duty of the pastor towards the people: the word, the sacraments and charity.

After the homily, the rite continued with the profession of faith and the oath of fidelity to the church. Afterwards, he was given the signs and places of the church, among them, the keys of the church, the confessional, the tabernacle, the baptismal font and the see, as a symbol of the responsibility he is assuming.

The celebration could not end without thanking the outgoing pastor, Father Oswaldo Garcia Sanchez, a.a., who served this parish community for 6 years. Monsignor Eduardo, as well as the people, expressed their gratitude to the outgoing pastor with a strong applause.

After the celebration, the parish council and the pastoral groups had prepared a social gathering. A wind band entertained this moment, as well as the traditional dance of the region.

We wish Father Louis a favorable mission in this new assignment. May this love for the Church, proper to our Assumptionist charism, inspire him to lead many to an encounter with Christ, always announcing the coming of the Kingdom.

Brother José Alberto Mejía Peña, a.a.

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