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On May 13, 2022, the feast of Our Lady of Fatima, our brother Irvin Santiago Martinez, originally from Atlacomulco (State of Mexico, Mexico), received the order of priesthood, by the laying on of hands of Don Eduardo Cervantes Merino, Bishop of Orizaba – Veracruz, a blessing for our congregation of Augustinians of the Assumption.

This ceremony was attended, in addition to Bishop Don Eduardo, by Father Peter Precourt, from the community of El Paso, Texas, representing our provincial superior, as well as the brothers from the different Assumptionist communities of the Assumptionist Region of Mexico.

Also present in good numbers were the priests of this diocese, the members of his family who were emotional to see one of their family members consecrate himself to the Lord in the priestly ministry, and a good number of lay people who came from Mexico City, as well as from our different community chapels of the parish.

During his homily, Don Eduardo reminded Father Irvin to follow with enthusiasm the joy of God's call in the service as a priest and always in help of his Church, always renewing his spirit in his being to give testimony of holiness, as well as to keep in mind that the grace received came from God who invites us to live in fraternity, in communion with all where we participate and grow.

He also took the opportunity to encourage our Assumptionist community that is present in the parish of Santiago Apostle Tlilapan, paraphrasing Pope Francis "where there is a religious there is joy, be authentic in the life of community and work". Keep up the good work and all the best to our Assumptionist brothers.

At the end of the ceremony Father Irvin gave the blessing to the Bishop. Then he thanked God, his family, the Assumptionist community and the parishioners who accompanied him in the celebration of the priestly ordination.

After blessing the people and being congratulated by those who attended the ordination mass, we moved on for lunch at the porch of the church, where in addition to sharing food, we also participated in the festival of dancing with the Guajolote or the Turkey (typical dance of this area) where the new priest dances holding this animal, in the company of the guests.

The day after the ordination, Father Irvin celebrated his first mass right here in the church of Santiago Apostle Tlilapan. It was an atmosphere of joy and thanksgiving to God for such a great gift of vocation.

We thank God for our brother and father Irvin. May the Lord grant him the grace to exercise his priestly ministry with joy and dedication.

Brother Jenaro Pulido Rivera, a.a.


Then, Jesus sent them to preach the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick and He said to them: "Take nothing for the journey..." Lk 9, 2.

Assumption style mission was one of my motivations for joining the congregation, it has always been a time to share who I am with others. During this Holy Week I was in Tepetlapa, a town in the municipality of Atenango del Rio, Guerrero.

It is a small town dedicated mainly to agriculture. From this experience I learned three things: to share what we are, to be simple and to embrace our reality with joy.

It is interesting that during this mission I talked more about planting and caring for farm animals than about anything else. The people taught me to share what I know, it is a way to incarnate the Gospel and sharing life in love.

On the other hand, the people helped me to live a Holy Week in a simple but meaningful way. I asked myself, what else can I teach a community that shares food, takes care of each other, knows each other well, respects each other, believes in God and collaborates with each other? That is the real experience of living the Gospel.

Sometimes in the big churches we get distracted by enormous and exaggerated decorations, but on the night of Holy Thursday, only a small table, some plants and candles were enough to have an evening of intimate and authentic encounter with Christ.

The people embrace their reality, there is no ambition, they do not want big houses or millions of pesos, they recognize their wealth in what God has given them in the field.

Any other person in the city would say that this is conformist or mediocre thinking, but many times we are ambitious without knowing it, we aspire to great riches without recognizing our essence. The people of Tepetlapa taught me that we do not need too much to be happy in life.

In the end, in this mission I learned what the Gospel says, to go to proclaim the Kingdom without any attachment, carrying nothing along the way. The only thing we need to share life, is in the heart and in the mind.

Rafael Huerta Ramos, a.a.


Dear brothers and sisters, I want to share with you this great experience of having followed Jesus' command "Go and preach the Gospel".

We traveled about 12 hours to reach our destination, the Chapel of Carrizal Zenzontepec, in the state of Oaxaca, where the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception (HFIC) are located.

We were the first and only group from the State of Veracruz. The people were already waiting for us with a delicious welcome snacks and the persons in charge of the chapels were also waiting for us to take us to where we were assigned.

The communities we were assigned to are called: The community of El Temblor, where Marlen Morales and Ingrid Aixa Zepahua went, and the community of Santa Maria Siempre Viva where Alfredo Guzman and myself went respectively. The four of us are part of the council members of FRAS (Fraternidad Asuncionista).

In reality, one comes to discover that it is not so much what one gives, but how much one receives in experiences, contact with the ordinary people who always show generosity and closeness, who share what they do not have, teaching us how much good poverty does us.

They are communities with deep faith, especially to the missionary’s word of encouragement and hope, to be able to share the Gospel to them.

I continue believing and laying down my life in those distant places where the missionary is much needed, but still close and united to the Church. As the word of God says: "There is more joy in giving than in receiving" (Acts 20:35).

As disciples of the Risen Christ, it is up to us to stretch out the hand of God to the world and enjoy the gift of being sent to different places where the need becomes a permanent call to us, baptized and committed to the Kingdom, and thus continue to show the face of Jesus alive through us and bearing witness to Him.

At the end of our mission, we took a short tour in the center of Oaxaca, visiting among other places like the Temple of Santo Domingo, the Metropolitan Cathedral, the ex-convent of San Pablo, and trying some Oaxacan cuisine.

I appreciate much the kindness of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception for inviting us to be part of this mission.

Lionel LC, member of the FRAS council.



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