On May 13, 2022, the feast of Our Lady of Fatima, our brother Irvin Santiago Martinez, originally from Atlacomulco (State of Mexico, Mexico), received the order of priesthood, by the laying on of hands of Don Eduardo Cervantes Merino, Bishop of Orizaba – Veracruz, a blessing for our congregation of Augustinians of the Assumption.
This ceremony was attended, in addition to Bishop Don Eduardo, by Father Peter Precourt, from the community of El Paso, Texas, representing our provincial superior, as well as the brothers from the different Assumptionist communities of the Assumptionist Region of Mexico.

Also present in good numbers were the priests of this diocese, the members of his family who were emotional to see one of their family members consecrate himself to the Lord in the priestly ministry, and a good number of lay people who came from Mexico City, as well as from our different community chapels of the parish.
During his homily, Don Eduardo reminded Father Irvin to follow with enthusiasm the joy of God's call in the service as a priest and always in help of his Church, always renewing his spirit in his being to give testimony of holiness, as well as to keep in mind that the grace received came from God who invites us to live in fraternity, in communion with all where we participate and grow.
He also took the opportunity to encourage our Assumptionist community that is present in the parish of Santiago Apostle Tlilapan, paraphrasing Pope Francis "where there is a religious there is joy, be authentic in the life of community and work". Keep up the good work and all the best to our Assumptionist brothers.

At the end of the ceremony Father Irvin gave the blessing to the Bishop. Then he thanked God, his family, the Assumptionist community and the parishioners who accompanied him in the celebration of the priestly ordination.

After blessing the people and being congratulated by those who attended the ordination mass, we moved on for lunch at the porch of the church, where in addition to sharing food, we also participated in the festival of dancing with the Guajolote or the Turkey (typical dance of this area) where the new priest dances holding this animal, in the company of the guests.

The day after the ordination, Father Irvin celebrated his first mass right here in the church of Santiago Apostle Tlilapan. It was an atmosphere of joy and thanksgiving to God for such a great gift of vocation.
We thank God for our brother and father Irvin. May the Lord grant him the grace to exercise his priestly ministry with joy and dedication.
Brother Jenaro Pulido Rivera, a.a.